You can use Keyper REST API to create calls to integrate with Keyper.
By default, all requests must be sent to http(s)://hostname/api/
All API access is over HTTP or HTTPS (we recommend HTTPS). All data is sent and received as JSON.
Authentication creates a JWT token, which is used to maintain the session. For each call JWT token must be added as part of HTTP header with name Authorization and value Bearer Token
Following methods are available under authentication
/login (method=POST)¶
Authenticates a user and returns JWT token.
"username": "alice",
"password": "success."
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1OTkxNzEyOTUsIm5iZiI6MTU5OTE3MTI5NSwianRpIjoiYjg4MThkZmQtM2I4OS00NDE2LWIxNmYtOTBhYjE1MzQ4NTcyIiwiZXhwIjoxNTk5MTcyMTk1LCJpZGVudGl0eSI6Im1hbmlzaCIsImZyZXNoIjpmYWxzZSwidHlwZSI6ImFjY2VzcyIsInVzZXJfY2xhaW1zIjoie3JvbGU6IGtleXBlcl9hZG1pbn0ifQ.W9rlhXoOrw4EWaj8NGMMSelJxsbMfF7ZOroHBBdKkDI",
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "alice",
"displayName": "Alice Parker",
"dn": "cn=alice,ou=people,dc=dbsentry,dc=com",
"givenName": "Alice",
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"refresh_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1OTkxNzEyOTUsIm5iZiI6MTU5OTE3MTI5NSwianRpIjoiNWMyNTc4NGYtOTUxYy00NmNmLThiNTQtZjZmN2FmZjcyNjZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNjAxNzYzMjk1LCJpZGVudGl0eSI6Im1hbmsdkjsdCIsInR5cGUiOiJyZWZyZXNoIiwidXNlcl9jbGFpbXMiOiJ7cm9sZToga2V5cGVyX2FkbWlufSJ9.0Bcekdnn156PGvRGSQCwPUUVdAml5pcbHi8lYxvVHxk",
"sn": "Parker",
"sshPublicKeys": [],
"uid": "alice"
/refresh (method=POST)¶
If JWT expires, you need to use this method with refresh token as part of the header. It returns a fresh JWT token, which can be used in subsequent calls.
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1OTkxNzE1ODQsIm5iZiI6MTU5OTE3MTU4NCwianRpIjoiOWI4NjEwNmMtMGU5Yi00N2IxLWIwYmYtMTA0YWEwZDFlNDllIiwiZXhwIjoxNTk5MTcyNDg0LCJpZGVudGl0eSI6Im1hbmlzaCIsImZyZXNoIjpmYWxzZSwidHlwZSI6ImFjY2VzcyIsInVzZXJfY2xhaW1zIjoie3JvbGU6IGtleXBlcl9hZG1pbn0ifQ.e7b5Tq1PnG64XR2sDh7HGH7z1SQ_Sk4eOib2ZUCF0Fw"
/users (method=GET)¶
Gets all the users in the system.
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "bob",
"displayName": "Bob Parker",
"dn": "cn=bob,ou=people,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"givenName": "Bob",
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"sn": "Parker",
"uid": "bob"
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "erin",
"displayName": "Erin Parker",
"dn": "cn=erin,ou=people,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"givenName": "Erin",
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"sn": "Parker",
"uid": "erin"
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "admin",
"displayName": "admin",
"dn": "cn=admin,ou=people,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"givenName": "admin",
"memberOfs": [
"sn": "admin",
"uid": "admin"
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "alice",
"displayName": "Alice Parker",
"dn": "cn=alice,ou=people,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"givenName": "Alice",
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"sn": "Parker",
"sshPublicKeys": [
"dateExpire": "20201204",
"hostGroups": [
"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1KtJpPn6W9W5WgPU8+eYuuSKKyHA+Z62mVLYp50Ch/MMTUSxcFF/V1H81CStU4OrPv/pUxpHtqSDeTCMbVtTmP0Bbc5V7rCYQVgfhTB7CzKAwnfJSfJGY/JoJLCrC4kt40PMwyXTHiPUkrs4tOHiv7GIT4aZI/wmVPrg8x6oBFRgfCl1TQVgeSQl2kAnjkUHEsq2CsnZR9mKIJ31CWzeHLotYHNg82jmgylCWUsl6Pd5eigObUtk0j6Vnjn7FUKwSmffhEPInU1K+IzYMdFe1QElTSO7X+IOjedQZ2Y8nt3U9N9WPyd7FK13Sn8Ij22CIMmTuvfNXv/H4ja9vF0Ob"
"uid": "alice"
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "carol",
"displayName": "Carol Parker",
"dn": "cn=carol,ou=people,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"givenName": "Carol",
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"sn": "Parker",
"uid": "carol"
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "frank",
"displayName": "Frank Parker",
"dn": "cn=frank,ou=people,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"givenName": "Frank",
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"sn": "Parker",
"uid": "frank"
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "grace",
"displayName": "Grace Parker",
"dn": "cn=grace,ou=people,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"givenName": "Grace",
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"sn": "Parker",
"uid": "grace"
/users/username (method=GET)¶
Gets a single user username
from the system.
Output (assuming username=alice
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "alice",
"displayName": "Alice Parker",
"dn": "cn=alice,ou=people,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"givenName": "Alice",
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"sn": "Parker",
"sshPublicKeys": [
"dateExpire": "20201204",
"hostGroups": [
"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1KtJpPn6W9W5WgPU8+eYuuSKKyHA+Z62mVLYp50Ch/MMTUSxcFF/V1H81CStU4OrPv/pUxpHtqSDeTCMbVtTmP0Bbc5V7rCYQVgfhTB7CzKAwnfJSfJGY/JoJLCrC4kt40PMwyXTHiPUkrs4tOHiv7GIT4aZI/wmVPrg8x6oBFRgfCl1TQVgeSQl2kAnjkUHEsq2CsnZR9mKIJ31CWzeHLotYHNg82jmgylCWUsl6Pd5eigObUtk0j6Vnjn7FUKwSmffhEPInU1K+IzYMdFe1QElTSO7X+IOjedQZ2Y8nt3U9N9WPyd7FK13Sn8Ij22CIMmTuvfNXv/H4ja9vF0Ob"
"uid": "alice"
/users (method=POST)¶
Creates a user per supplied input. Make sure to format all the required input attributes.
Input Parameters: Input for the method is submitted in JSON format (* denotes required field)
cn*: Username.
userPassword*: Password.
confirmPassword*: Password.
givenName*: First Name
sn*: Last Name
displayName: Display Name
mail: Email Address
accountLocked: Account Locked Flag (True/False)
memberOfs: Groups the user is member of
principal*: Principal
duration*: Default validity for Keys/Certificate
durationUnit*: Duration Unit (Hours/Days/Weeks)
sshPublicKeys: SSH Public Keys for user (JSON array. See SSHPublicKeys Format)
sshPublicCerts: SSH Public Certs for user (JSON array. See SSHPublicCerts Format)
name: Key Name
fingerprint: Fingerprint of the Key
hostGroups: Host Groups this key is applicable for.
name: Cert Name
fingerprint: Fingerprint of the Key
hostGroups: Host Groups this cert is applicable for.
"cn": "judy",
"userPassword": "keyper",
"confirmPassword": "keyper",
"mail": "",
"givenName": "Judy",
"sn": "Parker",
"displayName": "Judy Parker",
"accountLocked": "false",
"memberOfs": [
"sshPublicKeys": [
"name": "demo",
"dateExpire": "20201204",
"hostGroups": [
"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1KtJpPn6W9W5WgPU8+eYuuSKKyHA+Z62mVLYp50Ch/MMTUSxcFF/V1H81CStU4OrPv/pUxpHtqSDeTCMbVtTmP0Bbc5V7rCYQVgfhTB7CzKAwnfJSfJGY/JoJLCrC4kt40PMwyXTHiPUkrs4tOHiv7GIT4aZI/wmVPrg8x6oBFRgfCl1TQVgeSQl2kAnjkUHEsq2CsnZR9mKIJ31CWzeHLotYHNg82jmgylCWUsl6Pd5eigObUtk0j6Vnjn7FUKwSmffhEPInU1K+IzYMdFe1QElTSO7X+IOjedQZ2Y8nt3U9N9WPyd7FK13Sn8Ij22CIMmTuvfNXv/H4ja9vF0Ob",
"fingerprint": "SHA256:89KzcF/hqGg6S0qtvH2Wn6FfpnuAG6BGrNOWarGBG20"
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "judy",
"displayName": "Judy Parker",
"dn": "cn=judy,ou=people,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"givenName": "Judy",
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"sn": "Parker",
"sshPublicKeys": [
"dateExpire": "20201204",
"fingerprint": "SHA256:89KzcF/hqGg6S0qtvH2Wn6FfpnuAG6BGrNOWarGBG20",
"hostGroups": [
"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1KtJpPn6W9W5WgPU8+eYuuSKKyHA+Z62mVLYp50Ch/MMTUSxcFF/V1H81CStU4OrPv/pUxpHtqSDeTCMbVtTmP0Bbc5V7rCYQVgfhTB7CzKAwnfJSfJGY/JoJLCrC4kt40PMwyXTHiPUkrs4tOHiv7GIT4aZI/wmVPrg8x6oBFRgfCl1TQVgeSQl2kAnjkUHEsq2CsnZR9mKIJ31CWzeHLotYHNg82jmgylCWUsl6Pd5eigObUtk0j6Vnjn7FUKwSmffhEPInU1K+IzYMdFe1QElTSO7X+IOjedQZ2Y8nt3U9N9WPyd7FK13Sn8Ij22CIMmTuvfNXv/H4ja9vF0Ob",
"name": "demo"
"uid": "judy"
/users/username (method=PUT)¶
Updates a user.
Input Parameters: Input for the method is submitted in JSON format (* denotes required field)
userPassword: Password.
confirmPassword: Password.
givenName: First Name
sn: Last Name
displayName: Display Name
mail: Email Address
accountLocked: Account Locked Flag (True/False)
memberOfs: Groups the user is member of
principal: Principal
duration: Default validity for Keys/Certificate
durationUnit: Duration Unit (Hours/Days/Weeks)
sshPublicKeys: SSH Public Keys for user (JSON array. See SSHPublicKeys Format)
sshPublicCerts: SSH Public Certs for user (JSON array. See SSHPublicCerts Format)
keyid: If present revoke this key
name: Key Name
key: SSH Public Key
fingerprint: SHA256 Fingerprint of the Key
hostGroups: Host Groups this key is applicable for.
keyid: If present revoke this cert
name: Cert Name
key: SSH Public Key
fingerprint: SHA256 Fingerprint of the Key
hostGroups: Host Groups this cert is applicable for.
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"sshPublicKeys": [
"name": "demo2",
"dateExpire": "20201204",
"hostGroups": [
"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1KtJpPn6W9W5WgPU8+eYuuSKKyHA+Z62mVLYp50Ch/MMTUSxcFF/V1H81CStU4OrPv/pUxpHtqSDeTCMbVtTmP0Bbc5V7rCYQVgfhTB7CzKAwnfJSfJGY/JoJLCrC4kt40PMwyXTHiPUkrs4tOHiv7GIT4aZI/wmVPrg8x6oBFRgfCl1TQVgeSQl2kAnjkUHEsq2CsnZR9mKIJ31CWzeHLotYHNg82jmgylCWUsl6Pd5eigObUtk0j6Vnjn7FUKwSmffhEPInU1K+IzYMdFe1QElTSO7X+IOjedQZ2Y8nt3U9N9WPyd7FK13Sn8Ij22CIMmTuvfNXv/H4ja9vF0Ob",
"fingerprint": "SHA256:89KzcF/hqGg6S0qtvH2Wn6FfpnuAG6BGrNOWarGBG20"
"accountLocked": false,
"cn": "judy",
"displayName": "Judy Parker",
"dn": "cn=judy,ou=people,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"givenName": "Judy",
"mail": "",
"memberOfs": [
"sn": "Parker",
"sshPublicKeys": [
"dateExpire": "20201204",
"fingerprint": "SHA256:89KzcF/hqGg6S0qtvH2Wn6FfpnuAG6BGrNOWarGBG20",
"hostGroups": [
"key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1KtJpPn6W9W5WgPU8+eYuuSKKyHA+Z62mVLYp50Ch/MMTUSxcFF/V1H81CStU4OrPv/pUxpHtqSDeTCMbVtTmP0Bbc5V7rCYQVgfhTB7CzKAwnfJSfJGY/JoJLCrC4kt40PMwyXTHiPUkrs4tOHiv7GIT4aZI/wmVPrg8x6oBFRgfCl1TQVgeSQl2kAnjkUHEsq2CsnZR9mKIJ31CWzeHLotYHNg82jmgylCWUsl6Pd5eigObUtk0j6Vnjn7FUKwSmffhEPInU1K+IzYMdFe1QElTSO7X+IOjedQZ2Y8nt3U9N9WPyd7FK13Sn8Ij22CIMmTuvfNXv/H4ja9vF0Ob",
"name": "demo2"
"uid": "judy"
/users/username (method=DELETE)¶
Deletes a user username
Output (assuming username=judy
Deleted User: judy
/hosts (method=GET)¶
Gets all hosts in the system.
"cn": "mavrix2",
"description": "mavrix2",
"dn": "cn=mavrix2,ou=Hosts,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"memberOfs": [
"cn": "mavrix3",
"description": "mavrix3",
"dn": "cn=mavrix3,ou=Hosts,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"memberOfs": [
"cn": "mavrix4",
"description": "mavrix4",
"dn": "cn=mavrix4,ou=Hosts,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"memberOfs": [
"cn": "mavrix5",
"description": "mavrix5",
"dn": "cn=mavrix5,ou=Hosts,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"memberOfs": [
/hosts/hostname (method=GET)¶
Gets a single host hostname
from the system.
Output (assuming hostname=mavrix2
"cn": "mavrix2",
"description": "mavrix2",
"dn": "cn=mavrix2,ou=Hosts,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"memberOfs": [
/hosts (method=POST)¶
Creates a host in the system.
Input Parameters: Input for the method is submitted in JSON format (* denotes required field)
cn*: Hostname.
description: Description.
principal*: Principal
duration*: Default validity for Certificate
durationUnit*: Duration Unit (Hours/Days/Weeks)
"cn": "mavrix1",
"description": "mavrix1"
"cn": "mavrix1",
"description": "mavrix1"
/hosts/hostname (method=PUT)¶
Updates a hosts hostname
Input Parameters: Input for the method is submitted in JSON format (* denotes required field)
description: Description.
principal: Principal
duration: Default validity for Certificate
durationUnit: Duration Unit (Hours/Days/Weeks)
sshPublicCerts: SSH Public Certs for user (JSON array. See SSHPublicCerts Format)
keyid: If present, revoke this cert
name: Cert Name
Key: SSH Public Key
fingerprint: SSH Public Key SHA256 fingerprint
Input (Assuming hostname=mavrix1
"description": "updated description for mavrix1"
"description": "updated description for mavrix1"
/hosts/hostname (method=DELETE)¶
Deletes a hosts hostname
Output (Assuming hostname=mavrix1
"Deleted host: mavrix1"
/groups (method=GET)¶
Gets a list of all groups in the system.
"cn": "mavrix2",
"description": "mavrix2 Autocreated Group",
"dn": "cn=mavrix2,ou=groups,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"members": [
"cn": "mavrix3",
"description": "mavrix3 Autocreated Group",
"dn": "cn=mavrix3,ou=groups,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"members": [
"cn": "mavrix4",
"description": "mavrix4 Autocreated Group",
"dn": "cn=mavrix4,ou=groups,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"members": [
"cn": "mavrix5",
"description": "mavrix5 Autocreated Group",
"dn": "cn=mavrix5,ou=groups,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"members": [
"cn": "AllHosts",
"description": "All Hosts Group",
"dn": "cn=AllHosts,ou=groups,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"members": [
"cn": "demo_servers",
"description": "demo_servers",
"dn": "cn=demo_servers,ou=groups,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"members": [
"cn": "KeyperAdmins",
"description": "Keyper Administrators",
"dn": "cn=KeyperAdmins,ou=groups,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"members": [
/groups/groupname (method=GET)¶
Get a single group groupname
from the system.
Output (assuming groupname=demo_servers
"cn": "demo_servers",
"description": "demo_servers",
"dn": "cn=demo_servers,ou=groups,dc=keyper,dc=example,dc=org",
"members": [
/groups (method=POST)¶
Creates a new group.
"cn": "dev_servers",
"description": "dev_servers",
"members": [
"cn": "dev_servers",
"description": "dev_servers",
"members": [
/groups/groupname (method=PUT)¶
Updates a group groupname
Input (assuming groupname=dev_servers
"description": "updated description dev_servers",
"members": [
"description": "updated description dev_servers",
"members": [
/groups/groupname (method=DELETE)¶
Deletes a group groupname
Output (assuming groupname=dev_servers
"Deleted group: dev_servers"
Following utilities are available for authentication
/authkeys (method=GET or POST)¶
Returns valid public keys for a user in text format. This method is called by AuthorizedKeysCommand
. Before returning the public key for the user, this method performs the following checks:
Check Key in Key Revocation List using supplied fingerprint (KRL)
Check Key expiry
Check if Key is authorized for the host
Input: Input for the method can be submitted by either including in URL or posted as HTTP Form variables (* denotes required field)
username*: Username. %u in sshd_config
host*: Hostname as defined in Keyper.
fingerprint: Key Fingerprint being used for the authentication. %f in sshd_config
KRL check is performed using fingerprint
Output: List of SSH Public Keys in text format.
/authprinc (method=GET or POST)¶
Returns Principals authorized to acces a host given username and Certificate fingerprint. This method is called by AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand
. Before returning the list of principals, this method performs the following checks:
Check Cert in Key Revocation List (KRL) using the certificate serial number
Check Cert expiry
Check if Principal in Cert is authorized to access the host
Input: Input for the method can be submitted by either including in URL or posted as HTTP Form variables (* denotes required field)
username*: Username. %u in sshd_config
host*: Hostname as defined in Keyper.
fingerprint*: Certificate Fingerprint being used for the authentication. %f in sshd_config
serial*: Serial number on the SSH Certificate. “%s” in sshd_config
KRL check is performed only when serial
is part of the input.
Output: List of Principals in text format.
/hostca (method=GET or POST)¶
Returns Public Key for Key used by SSH CA to sign host certificate. This Key must be included on each SSH client known_hosts
file for the client to trust Hosts’ SSH certificates.
Input: None
Output: SSH CA Public Key user for host certificate signing.
/userca (method=GET or POST)¶
Returns Public Key for Key used by SSH CA to sign user certificate. This Key must be included on each SSH server sshd_config
file for against TrustedUserCAKeys
to trust User’s SSH certificates.
Input: None
Output: SSH CA Public Key user for user certificate signing.
/krlca (method=GET or POST)¶
Returns Key Revocation List File. This file can be included in each SSH Server’s sshd_config
file as RevokedKeys
parameter. This configuration is optional and should only be used if the performance of AuthorizedKeysCommand
and/or AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand
with Key/Cert is not acceptable.
Input: None
Output: SSH Key Revocation List File.
/usercert (method=GET)¶
Returns signed certificate for a user.
Input: Input for the method can be submitted by including them in URL as part of HTTP GET request (* denotes required field)
username*: Username.
keyid: KeyID of the certificate as shown on the webconsole.
fingerprint: Certificate Fingerprint.
If the keyid or fingerprint is not part of the input then this method would return all the certificates for the user.
Output: Signed Certificate for the user.
/hostcert (method=GET)¶
Returns signed certificate for a host.
Input: Input for the method can be submitted by including them in URL as part of HTTP GET request (* denotes required field)
hostname*: Hostname.
keyid: KeyID of the certificate as shown on the webconsole.
fingerprint: Certificate Fingerprint.
If keyid or fingerprint is not part of the input then this method would return all the certificates for the host.
Output: Signed Certificate for the host.